Peace and Quiet….Finally!

Peace and Quiet….Finally!

  Today’s Monday Inspiration is about Meditation……..but not in the way you may be used to. I was actually hesitant to write the word Meditation as I am sure you are visualising someone sitting cross legged in silence for long periods of time...
The Power Of The Breath

The Power Of The Breath

Get ready for a powerful Monday Inspiration Session today. A pretty big claim!  I know!! A tool that makes you feel calm and centred within seconds……. What if I also added that it will reduce fear and overwhelm and help you feel grounded and connected in...
Why Challenges Feel So Uncomfortable?

Why Challenges Feel So Uncomfortable?

Ever wondered why resistance pops up when you decide to try something new? Yes, when you try something new or accept a new challenge all the fear and “what if’s” come to the surface. This is the same for your children. Your comfort Zone is exactly...
Release The Old……

Release The Old……

  At the end of each year, my family and I like to get together for our end of year Ritual. It starts with writing down and celebrating all our ‘wins for 2015.’  These come in all shapes and sizes and can look something like this: Achievements such...
Gratitude Finds You

Gratitude Finds You

Just saying the word “Gratitude” makes me feel awesome. Studies have shown that gratitude seems to impact our lives in powerful ways. People who practice this report increased energy, better sleep, less anxiety, increased self-esteem and the list goes on. I have also...