The Power Of The Breath

by | Jun 13, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Get ready for a powerful Monday Inspiration Session today.

A pretty big claim!  I know!!

A tool that makes you feel calm and centred within seconds…….

What if I also added that it will reduce fear and overwhelm and help you feel grounded and connected in this present moment!

AND it is one of the most simplest yet powerful tools we have access to at any moment of the day……..

Yes, I am talking about the incredible power of our Breath.

Please don’t let your mind step in here and tell you that breathing is way too simple to effect such powerful change. Stay with me here….

I’m sure you would agree that the heart is a pretty crucial organ pumping the blood around our body via the circulatory system.

Well, the breath and our lungs are just as important to not only continue the flow of oxygen through our body BUT to help with the flow of energy through our bodies.

You see, emotions are actually ‘energy in motion’ which means the energy is meant to flow through our bodies – you can’t see an emotion but you can certainly FEEL it.

So when you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, angry, sad or any other dense emotion, please don’t push it down.

Feel the emotion first, –  then, when you are ready, take a deep breath in through your nose and fill your lungs and then slowly exhale through your mouth – then repeat 2 more times.

The breath works with your nervous system to switch from the ‘fight and flight’ response to calm and clear. There is nothing else you need to do.

So please, use this gift you already have with your children and shift the energy of overwhelm and frustration to calm, centred and grounded.

So, Today’s Monday Inspiration is a reminder to Focus on our BREATH

When you choose to use use the powerful resources your body has already gifted you – you will find that your life becomes simpler and that it is far easier to stay in the flow of the present moment.

It is when we are feeling calm and centred we are able to expand our energy and connect with all the expansive solutions we have available to us.

Start your day with at least 3  slow deep breathes – in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Explain in simple terms to your children why the breath is so powerful and how they can use the breath to help them feel calm and happy….any time they choose.

If your child is upset, let them know it is okay to feel the emotion then ask them to let you know when they are ready to shift the energy. Take 3 slow breathes with them.

Watch their energy shift.

It is that simple!!   It will take no more than 5 minutes.

I would love to hear about your experiences so click reply on this email and let me know how you go.

PS. Thank you for all the wonderful comments I received from last weeks Inspiration email on “Why Challenges Feel Uncomfortable”.

I love hearing this information is valuable to you and your children.

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